The Future of New York City

In 2006, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that planners expected New York City's population to increase by 1 million people in 25 years. Since then the city has had many initiatives to try and prepare for the expected population growth. About 3 million people of the cities 8.4 million population are foreign born. Whites make up a little more than 30 percent of the New York City population. For the first time in half a century, New York was losing fewer people than it was taking in. This is because there is a constant stream of immigrants searching for opportunity there, while there is also a reduction in the number of native New Yorkers leaving town.

Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, New York has done everything it can to move on from the horrific events. New Yorkers worked together to clean the city of debris, build a new world trade center, and a memorial site for the 9/11 events. New Yorkers are a strong bunch of people, and it is great to see how they have recovered and moved on from 9/11, but will never forget what happened. 10 years later, on September 11, 2011 the 9/11 memorial site was dedicated. Then on September 12, 2011 it opened to the public.

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