
Before the 1840's, most of the United States population lived in New York City and the areas around it. When gold was discovered in California in 1848, the news spread to every corner of the nation. Many people began to leave New York City and migrate out west. In just one year, 40,000 newcomers had arrived in hopes of striking big and finding gold.

In California you will find the nations second most populated city, right behind New York, which is Los Angeles. I always find people comparing the two cities, like there is a secret rivalry between them. In some scenes, such as the hip hop music scene, there is a not so secret rivalry between the two. Both cities have a lot going on and a lot to offer its residents and visitors. While LA and NY have some similarities, I'd say they are mostly quite opposite from each other. Los Angeles is known for its sunny weather, laid back atmosphere, spread out city, mostly centered around the movie industry. While New York has all four seasons, is very fast pace and business orientated, and it's very tightly squeezed together. The nations two most well known cities attract tourists from all over the world. Both cities are very fashion savvy, yet have very different styles. Here is a video of Whitney Port (fashion designer) comparing the two cities.

1 comment:

  1. The video that you chose for your blog was interesting. I liked how you found a video about someone comparing the two cites. This went great with your blog post about the cities differences. Although I did not find her critique of both cities to be rather shallow; she did make good points about the differences between New York City and Los Angeles.
