The Atlantic Periphery


The Atlantic Periphery is known for having its four seasons. The harsh snowy winters, the colorful flowers blooming in spring, the summer full of green trees, and the changing colors of the trees in autumn. New York City also has these four seasons. Even though the city is very built up, there are still many parks and trees around to show the nature changing due to the seasons. One of the prettiest sites to see is Central Park during an Autumn day.


The Atlantic Periphery gets many tourists every year who are attracted to the beautiful scenery and recreation activities this area offers. People travel to the Atlantic Periphery during winter for their excellent ski resorts, during Autumn to see the beautiful fall foliage, and in summer for hiking, camping and fishing.  Many residents of the Megalopolis area own vacation houses up north, because it's a beautiful place to vacation, and the cost of houses is generally cheaper. New York City gets 50 million tourists every year, because of it's landmarks and things to do.


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