
New York City is located in the Megalopolis region of the United States. Along with New York City, Megalopolis includes Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. In 1961, geographer Jean Gottmann coined the term Megalopolis, to describe the densely populated area of northeastern United States. Megalopolis is the most densely populated part of North America. This area is also known for its cultural and ethnic diversity. For more than 200 years, immigrants have flocked to Megalopolis in search of economic opportunity and political freedom.

Fun Facts:
Boston - In 1897, Boston built the first subway ever in the United States.
New York - Gennaro Lombardi opened the first US pizzeria in NYC in 1895.
Philadelphia - Benjamin Franklin founded the first zoo in America, The Philadelphia Zoo.
Baltimore - The first dental school in the world was founded in Baltimore in 1840.
Washington DC - More wine is consumed per person in Washington DC than any state in the US.


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